As well as being in
‘Star Trek’ and at least one other thing, Leonard Nimoy is also a
humanitarian, a musician , a film director and a poet. Given his obvious ability
at putting words into roughly even lines, it’s surprising that he isn’t as well
known as Alfred Lord Tennyson in literary circles, but then I expect that’s
probably a lot to do with snobbery - and taste.
Nimoy’s style is
deceptively simple. Actually, it’s just simple – he doesn’t do deception. In strict
contrast to his emotionless, logic driven portrayal of robot Dr. Spock, the
real Leonard speaks from the heart, then commits it to paper, then publishes it with samples of his own photography. How wonderful it would be if every man could take the time out to express to his latest wife just
how much he loves her, and how all the other wives were rubbish.
Here's a hors d'oeuvres of his oeuvre.
You fill me
With your love
You fill me
With your caring
You fill me
With your thoughts
You fill me
With your sharing
Now we're filling up.
It is a little known fact that Unmann-Wittering has a soft spot for Captain & Tennille. There's nothing ironic about it, he genuinely likes their super cheerful Carpenters type music and, because Daryl and Toni are married, there's none of that creepy incestuous vibe to worry about. Here's a clip of Nimoy reciting his wonderful poetry to their musical accompaniment.
Leonard, we love you.